AI in Customer Service: Leveraging Efficiency Without Sacrificing Humanity

Contact center agent with AI

As advancements in artificial intelligence proceed at a breakneck pace, attitudes toward the use of AI are changing just as quickly.

While fear and uncertainty over its effect on jobs and the future of societies persist, a growing number of organizations are intrigued by the idea that AI could allow them to offer consistent, always-on customer service more cost effectively.

In fact, a recent survey by Metrigy found that more than 80% of companies are increasing their AI spending in 2024; the top reason, cited by 75.4% of those companies, is that they recognize the efficiencies AI brings.

But while many businesses are exploring how automation can help them reduce the costs associated with delivering customer service, leaders are still trying to understand the implications that outsourcing customer support to AI will have on their brand, reputation, and customer experience.

The Benefits—and Limitations—of AI in Delivering Great CX

One of the biggest selling points for many who are considering AI as part of their CX strategy in their contact center is cost savings, both in automating activities previously handled by people and in helping agents work more efficiently.

Of course, cost is a critical concern in the contact center, where labor costs account for up to 70% of total costs. AI can help automate routine processes, and it is starting to play a key role in supporting the work performed by human agents and in streamlining backend functions associated with customer service—for example, by helping to streamline quality assurance practices as well as agent coaching and training by delivering aggregate data and insights. The possibilities of utilizing AI as a tool to supplement CX practices seem plentiful.

But let’s be clear: AI can’t replace the human characteristics that are so critical to delivering great CX, such as empathy, decision-making, critical thinking, and flexibility. AI can’t build an authentic relationship with a customer, and it relies on massive datasets that can expose sensitive customer data if breached. And while businesses with a strong customer focus are committed to providing great service, AI doesn’t care about doing what’s right for the business or for the customer; you have to program in when AI is allowed to make an exception in order to deliver a remarkable experience to a client, whereas a human can understand when making a policy exception is the right thing to do.

How to Optimize Your Use of AI in Customer Service

Here’s what you need to consider as you evaluate which areas of customer service might be a good fit for AI.

As AI continues to evolve, you may be surprised at all of the ways it can supplement what you are doing, but you may also be surprised by how strongly your customers value the human touch that human agents offer. Connection matters, and only humans can authentically build rapport and connection with your customers. If you decide you want to explore AI within your customer service functions, proceed with intention and with caution. The best use of AI is as a tool to support the humans who are the face, voice, thoughts, and heart behind the customer experience you provide. Connections matter to your brand, your organization, and your very important clients—don’t sacrifice your organization’s humanity for AI-driven efficiency.

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